Now Offering Embryo Adoption and Donation Home Studies

Transitions Adoption Agency has been helping people build their families through adoption since 2000.  We have also been long supporters of people who want help building their family in non-traditional ways, all ways, all people.  When our current director came to this agency, she had already completed the training to become an embryo donation and adoption agency.  While Transitions is not currently offering full-service embryo donation and adoption services, we are pleased to announce we now offer embryo adoption and donation home study services.  We can also help guide you on where to find an embryo adoption or donation program.

What is the difference between embryo donation and adoption? Historically, there have been many infertility clinics doing embryo donations behind the scenes over the years. This would be when one fertility client would be done completing their family and anonymously donates their leftover frozen embryos to another couple at the same fertility clinic.  As time went on, the nation’s first embryo adoption program was created to streamline the process and make more legal parameters for both the biological donors and the receiving person or couple. Actual adoption processes after the birth of the child resulting from the embryo started to occur in many states.  Much of this depends on what the definition of beginning of life is in that state and whether or not a home study is required. But that is to say that is not always the case on whether it is considered an embryo donation or adoption.  Sometimes the words embryo and adoption are used interchangeably.  All this to say that this is just a very brief summary of some of the difference, but there is so much more to this debate of donation versus adoption.  We are not going to take a side at Transitions on what it is called or what it looks like. We are just here, offering those who want it or require it to get a home study for embryo adoption or donation. 

Why is there a home study when I may not actually be going through a court adoption?

Well, just as with a traditional newborn or older child adoption, the biological family may want security in knowing that the family was screened, assessed, and actually prepared for this process. Just like you don’t “just adopt” a baby, you don’t “just adopt” an embryo.  There are many legal, moral, social, and critical pieces to learn, know, and be able to share. This gives the donating couple peace of mind that the receiving person or couple is/are the kind of people that are able to raise a child, that they aren’t bringing a child into unhealthy environment, and that they know the risks involved with adopting or receiving a donated embryo. So, yes it’s partly for the donor couple’s peace of mind.

It is also for the person/couple receiving the embryo’s peace of mind. A home study isn’t just about assessing your family and relationships within the home. It’s also about preparing you for the process, guiding you towards the proper educational resources, giving you a chance to ask any questions you may have, and preparing you to be fully ready to receive those embryos mentally, emotionally, and physically. Some argue that this is intrusive and should not be required. We would argue that it should not be considered a bother, but something that will be really helpful in preparing a person to receive that embryo.  At Transitions we are well-versed in many different ways to build a family. We are your cheerleaders, preparing you and cheering on, educating you, so that you can make an informed decision about how to build your family. Looking for more information on embryo adoption/donation home studies? Give Transitions a call today and we’d be happy to walk you through the steps and actions you would take.

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